We are so pleased to share some of the coverage that Another Time, Another Place has received in the press with you.

The Scotsman Review

Duncan Macmillan, The Scotsman, 7 may 2021The light of the setting sun catching the bare branches of winter trees and seeming to set them on fire with its colour has been a frequent motif in her recent work and there are several dramatic examples here. Coral Bark, Maple and Moon is especially lovely. The sun has turned the branches of a tree to brilliant coral pink, but, above, the full moon rises over the ragged line of the wood.
The Times Review

Giles Sutherland, The Times, 10 May 2021Christina Jansen of the Scottish Gallery describes the publication that accompanies this exhibition as “a book of contemplation” and I can find no better way of conveying the sense of this literary-visual sequence.
The Fleming Collection Review
Susan Mansfield, The Fleming Collection, 4 May 2021The old witch hazel is “a healing tree for a wounded world”, the coral bark maple, red in the light of a setting sun, is “fully charged to shape a brighter future”. This show is gentle but definite consolation for a world groping its way back from the edges of uncertainty.
The Hearld
Another Time, Another Place was featured in The Hearld’s Seven Things To Do This Week by Charlotte Cohen. Click here to read the full list.