Christine McArthur

Christine McArthur’s work is always changing and developing, in a wide variety of medium, all underwritten by her innate skill in drawing and sense of design.
Christine McArthur trained at the Glasgow School of Art from 1971-76 under David Donaldson, James Robertson and Leon Morrocco. She taught at both Glasgow University and the Glasgow School of Art up until 1980, when she began painting full time. She was elected to the RGI and the RSW. McArthur inhabits an immersive, creative world and tends to work in a series of ‘diaries’ from which finished work emerges. The passing seasons are observed, intertwined with imagery from her surroundings and familiar objects. She is a mixed media artist who specialises in oil, oil pastel, embroidery, acrylic, watercolour, pen and ink and collage.
McArthur was awarded Scottish Education Department travelling scholarships in 1975 and 1976 and was elected a member of the Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts in 1990. In 1995 she was elected a member of the Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolour.