by Kate Downie RSA
These ‘Bridge-Bicycle Prints’ were inspired by the brave action of Davy Zyw to cycle the NC500, (a 516-mile scenic but hilly route around the north coast of Scotland) in 4 days to raise funds towards research into Motor Neuron Disease. He achieved this fearsome challenge with the support of, and surrounded by, his family and friends, many of whom I am privileged to know; most importantly, in this instance, his twin brother Tommy who is wonderfully present for many artists within The Scottish Gallery.

I wanted to donate something that celebrates the two of them cycling in our beautiful country, for a purpose greater than the sheer exhausting pleasure of it! I hope these prints might help to continue the incredible fund raising they have done so far.

As a keen but less intrepid cyclist and well known Forth Bridge nerd, It was fun to get Davy and Tommy to participate in the printmaking process (thank you Uncle Angus and Michael) so we all gathered on the FRB one blustery evening before the N500 ride and I got them both to cycle over an inked up board and to continue to offset their inky bike tyres onto a long strip of paper laid out on the Bridge. 2 Brothers, 2 bikes, amongst the 3 Bridges!

To read more about Ride for MND please click here.