December 2020 saw The Gallery become a Miniature Menagerie!
To coincide with Mark Hearld’s Menagerie and Jill Fanshawe Kato’s solo exhibition Changing Seasons, Miniature Menagerie features exclusive miniature works made for The Gallery from artists who work in a range of diverse materials including glass, ceramic, sculpture, jewellery, metalwork and works on paper. Artist’s include: Malcolm Appleby, Zoe Arnold, Miki Asai, Katharine Coleman, Philip Eglin, Claire Harkess, Miyu Kurihara, Sheila McDonald, Angus McFadyen, Grainne Morton, Susan O’Byrne, Guy Royle, Paul Preston and Nancy Sutcliffe.
Click here to explore the online exhibition.
We hope you enjoy the films we created to coincide with the exhibition. You can watch them all below: