The Scottish Gallery is thrilled to be showing the work Gudrun Pagter for the first time this January.
Gudrun Pagter has been weaving since graduating from the Design School Kolding, Denmark in 1975. Gudrun’s minimal tapestries explore, and play with, perspective and three-dimensional space.
We have Gudrun’s striking, minimalist tapestry displayed alongside the colourful baskets of The Baba Tree Basket Company, as part of our Line Weaving exhibition.

Gudrun PagterBased on a concrete and geometric design language, I work with woven tapestries. In my compositions, I seek with a few lines and shapes to achieve a tension and a spatial effect, with inspirations drawn from the architectural world of form. The rugs are woven on a shaft fabric in tapestry technique, and the materials are mainly dyed sisal and linen.

Gudrun PagterThroughout the years my compositions have become simpler and simpler. I do not look for a specific pictorial motif; my compositions are abstract not specific. The image is what you see and experience. With few lines or a single line, it is possible to transform a two-dimensional plane into a three-dimensional space, and it's interesting... I use lines and shapes to achieve a tension and a spatial effect, with inspiration drawn from architecture.

You can see Gudrun Pagter’s tapestry as part of the Line Weaving exhibition in the Gallery until the 29th January 2022. You can also view the exhibition online here.