The story of world renowned jewellers Wendy Ramshaw and David Watkins. It was in 1961, whilst studying at Reading University, that Wendy Ramshaw met David Watkins. The couple “fell quickly and completely in love” and married in 1962. During their time together the couple have collaborated on many projects, including one that I remember clearly – paper jewellery back in the 1960’s. They have worked together, shared a studio for 35 years, travelled together and raised their children together, all whilst at the same time pursuing independent, equally successful, careers. Achieving their golden anniversary in 2012 will be no mean feat. This couple has made a huge contribution to the art and design culture not just in the UK but internationally too, and one gets the feeling that, although their work is distinct and separate, it is their strength as a duo that has fuelled their passions and triumphs.