Loch Hourn and the Sound of Sleat

30 March 2023 - 29 April 2023

Rebecca Collins finds inspiration walking in the varied and dramatic landscape around her home on the Sound of Sleat. Her compositions often focus on specific sections of a landscape: a snapshot of summit, sky or slope, capturing fleeting moments of atmospheric effects. She paints using multiple layers of translucent paint and glazes, which gives her work a luminous and ethereal quality.

I have lived all my adult life on the north west coast of Scotland and every day I witness the temporal beauty created by the shifting weather patterns, how light and its effect through rain, snow, cloud onto rock and sea create moments of blinding beauty. I feel lucky to live surrounded by this ever changing, dynamic environment. Painting allows me to record and celebrate these fleeting moments. – Rebecca Collins



Rebecca Collins lives in the northwest Highlands and finds her subject in the varied and dramatic landscape around her home. Her paintings are inspired by the ever-changing conditions of light and weather which she experiences on a daily basis.

Rebecca trained at Brighton Art College, where she graduated BA with Honours. Rebecca regularly exhibits in Edinburgh and London and she will be the subject of a solo exhibition at The Scottish Gallery in the spring of 2023.


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