Mark Hearld presents Studio Life, a new body of work inspired by the natural world, featuring both collage and ceramics. Mark studied illustration at Glasgow School of Art and then completed an MA in Natural History Illustration at the Royal College of Art.
‘My interest in the natural world has been central to me since childhood, but I have recently been on an outing to Stafford to a rather wonderful poultry fair which made me want to draw a range of rare breeds. There were thousands of different varieties of chickens, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl, ducks. The names are wonderful like the Appenzeller Spitzenhauben – a Swiss bird with a crest, Sebright hens and Oxford old English game fowl.’ Mark Hearld – 2019.
Studio Life by Mark Hearld also includes special presentations by fellow artists; Malcolm Appleby silverware and Malcolm Appleby jewellery, Ben Arnup, Clive Bowen, Joe Hogan, Paul Preston, Guy Royle and Samuel Waterhouse.
The Gallery will be showcasing fabric designed by Mark Hearld for St. Jude’s, produced in the UK. Fabrics and wallpapers are available to purchase directly from St Jude’s website here.