This suite of paintings is the product of hours spent in the heat of the Mediterranean and the south of Spain; sketching my way along broiling coastal paths or in the forgiving shade of a palm tree. Each one of these images is an attempt to bottle up sunshine, to capture a moment of tranquillity and colour.
For an artist these aren’t trivial aspirations. After all, what’s life without colour? For J.D. Fergusson, the allure of the sun drew him to the south of France in the summer of 1913. At a time when the world was confronted with great adversity, he found joy and meaning in the colours of the south. I’m only following his example. Lachlan Goudie, 2024
I had grown tired of the north of France; I wanted more sun, more colour; I wanted to go south.
J.D. Fergusson (1874 – 1961)