Amanda Simmons presents a new series of glass vessels inspired by two poems from the Ted Hughes Crow collection from 1970 and the accompanying illustrations by Leonard Baskin.
Crow and the Birds by Ted Hughes is full of our beautiful, feathered friends; a tale of birds flying away from human interaction, all except Crow. Each bird has its own poetic line and many of those mentioned are regular visitors to my garden. The other poem, Crow Hears Fate Knock on the Door, is my favourite, it is full of beautiful, strong words that make you project into space. It concerns Crow investigating the Universe, taking things apart and trying to understand how it all goes together. The colours and patterns in the vessels relate to each species and screen printed words, layered chaotically with low-fired black glass powders add texture to the work. – Amanda Simmons
A new collection of cast pieces is also included in this exhibition, my ongoing commitment to keeping my practice as sustainable as possible. – Amanda Simmons