Growing Forms

2 October 2019 - 27 October 2019

Kate Downie moved from Edinburgh to Fife in 2018 to build a new studio. Engineering has for a long time been rich pictorial territory for the artist and the collaboration between artist/architect/builder represented by the construction of the new studio as well as the major St James site in Edinburgh provided fertile subjects. Growing Forms applies as much to organic as material forms, but what unites this varied body of work is the artist’s eye, always drawn to movement and energy transference. The waving Summer Grasses echo the dance of the diggers in Moving Earth; an Atlantic wave explodes out into the sky above the shore like the leaves of The Summer Vine reaching for the light. This expansive growth is echoed in the new drawings of the builders’ enthusiastic construction, making a place both for contemplation and future creativity.

Click here to read more about the work in Kate’s exhibition.

Photography by Alicia Bruce
Born: 1958
Place of Birth: North Carolina, USA

Kate Downie was born in North Carolina but raised from the age of 7 in Scotland. She studied at Gray’s School of Art in Aberdeen before travel and residencies took her to the United States, England, Amsterdam, Paris and Japan. Her constant search for new challenges and inspirations has seen her set up studios in such diverse places as a brewery, an oil rig, and an abandoned Hydroponicum.

As a Landscape painter her subject matter is often the man-made rather than the natural, but it is defined by good draughtsmanship and a sense of movement.

‘One of my creative concerns is to define these spaces between buildings rather than the buildings themselves. The object lesson for me is the witnessing and the drawing of these nonplaces which are also, by definition, public arenas of cumulative activity. My job as an artist is to accommodate these actions in our contemporary lives, and to find the poetry within.’
– Kate Downie

Please click here to view prints by the artist

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